Friday, May 26, 2006

The Miracle of Life

It's no secret I love to garden. I love to plant something and watch it reach for the sun. There's very little else in life that give me that kind of satisfaction. I platned flowers this year, and I planted some of them a little too early. Those were coral impatiens, beautiful flowers. Two of them I put in pots on the front porch and the rest in my beds. A few days later we had an unexpected cold snap. The pansies and such were okay, but it killed off all the impatiens. Or so I thought. I waited about a week and a half and then got some flowers to replace them with. All the ones in my flower beds were brown and withered by this point. So were the two in the pots. But when I looked closely at one, there was the faintest hint of green showing through the soil. I didn't think it would make it, but I had to give it a chance. Slowly, as the days passed, it put out new shoots and began to grow. It was a four-inch plant when I planted it. This morning when I checked on it, it was six or seven inches tall and about twice that in width. And it full bloom.
You never know. Life is the greatest miracle of all.


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