Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Random Grumblings on a Rainy Morning

I stopped at the store last night to get a couple of things. They had Barbie dolls on sale out front. I was walking by and looking at them and I remembered a couple of things I hadn't thought about in years. When I was a little girl, Barbies were all the rage. Girls brought them to school to play with at recess. Whoever had the most Barbies and the best clothes and so forth was the coolest of the day. In the game, Barbie was always married to Ken. For some reason this was the way things were 'supposed' to be. Now, I never played with the girls at school. But when I was home, I had about 3 barbies. Barbie, Ken, and Barbie's best friend, whose name I can't remember. In my game, Barbie and Ken were still married, because that was again the way things were supposed to be. But Ken was a truck driver and always on the road, so Barbie lived with and spent all her time with her best friend. The other thing I remembered was back in Kindergarten I got in trouble because I didn't like to play house the way we had to. Yes, we had to play house. The point was to teach us about family, societal, and gender roles. A few kids were chosen to be children each time, and the others were divided into Mommies and Daddies. I refused to be Mommy. Why? Two reasons. One was that Daddy got to go to work (which meant play with the trucks and legos and such) while Mommy had to stay in the pretend house and cook, clean, and play with the children. Who wants to do that? And the main reason I wanted to be Daddy was because I'd get to be married to a Mommy! I told my teacher this and her jaw dropped. She called my parents.I think the only person surprised by me being gay was me. :)

On another note, what is wrong with some people? A couple who lives in my subdivison was running radar on the road outside it yesterday. He'd pulled over one of our other neighbors. Nothing to build community like giving your neighbors speeding tickets. Then again, this particular cop is one swastika patch shy of full memebership in the Neo-Nazi party. Then I got into my subdivision and a little girl was playing with a ball in her yard. She threw it too hard and it rolled out into the road. Nothing wrong with that; it happens all the time. I stopped the car of course; well, the ball started rolling downhill and lodged under the front end of my car. So I put the car in park, got out, and pulled the ball out and tossed it to the little girl. Meanwhile, two more drivers had come up behind me and were honking their horns and cussing me. One started to go around, and stopped when I walked into the other side of the road to toss the ball.People. Can't live without 'em, but sometimes you'd like to.This morning it was pouring down rain. Princess loves all water except bathwater. Tiny doesn't mind baths but hates all other water. So Princess was playing in the rain and Tiny was refusing to go to the bathroom. I had to haul him in and out three times before he finally went. When we came back in the last time we were both soaked. My oldest cat was sitting on the table and gave me a look that clearly said: What do you expect, dumb ass? This is what happens when you bring a dog into the house.


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