Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Busy Saturday

I’ve had a fairly good day so far. The weather is lovely here, really beautiful, so I’ve spent lots of time out in the sun. That really helps –especially after being under fluorescent glare all week long! I am certain my job has something to do with my depression. Until I was transferred out to this site I was doing much better. The awful environment, plus the fact that I hate the work, with the addition of much idle time to boot, I think has all combined to make it worse. (Not too mention the isolation.) I am so much better on the weekends than during the week that I have to look at the job as a cause. And the past couple of weeks have been much worse, because my self-esteem has been in the toilet. It involved a girl, of course. Imagine that! I thought we were friends, and yep, I’d fallen hard for her, but she made it clear she didn’t want to be so much as friends with me after all. So my self-esteem tanked and I’ve been in an episode of major depression for about two weeks, on top of my normal dysthymia.

This has been a busy day so far. I got up an ungodly hour for Saturday morning and went to Ms. Maitland’s memorial service. I didn’t really know her (I met her once) but she was a good person. 78, and everyone was talking about how they wish she’d been older. I’m like 78???? That is old! To me, at least. But then, my grandmother was 52 when she died and neither of my parents made it to fifty. So to me, 78 is a good long life. God grant me that I live that long. And when I’m gone, they can throw a party for all I care. As long as it’s in a UU church, and none of my blood kin are allowed to attend I’ll be happy wherever I may be. The service was lovely. My minister was excellent as always. I got there early because Eleanor needed help in the kitchens with the food, and stayed late help clean up. And I’ll be back there in a couple of hours for the benefit concert tonight. After I left I picked up my puppy at the vet. He’s doing great –running around like nothing happened. We took a nap together and I’m about to go out into the yard to do some work.

Like I said, a busy day.


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