Friday, September 15, 2006

Social Justice News, 9-15-06

You’re Out!!!! The people’s rebellion in Mexico has stepped up a notch. In case you have no idea what I’m talking about (and its even odds that you don’t, since the MSM haven’t been covering it) some of Mexico’s citizens finally got tired of the oppression and rebelled months ago in Oaxaca. Now they’ve actually kicked out the state government. Power to the people!

Bye Bye World: Artic Ice is now melting even in the winter.

Here Comes God: Set up the revival tents. Our noble, fearless leader, himself chosen by the Creator for his magnificent leadership abilities, predicts the third ‘Great Awakening’ of Christianity in America. No word yet on what this means for us non Christians, but I recommend keeping handy a bag packed with clothing, food, and a map showing the best route to Canada.

Sick and Getting More So: A special report from Yes! Magazine on the state of healthcare in the U.S. Also, another article from Alternet. My advice: Don’t get sick.

More Scary Than Freddy: This may look like something out a Hollywood Horror flick, but its real, and worse than anything cooked up in the fevered imaginations of screenwriters and authors everywhere.

Bringing Back Community: And making it sustainable.

War Crime? What war crime? Our hapless leader is now trying to get rid of the War Crimes act. Apparently, its inconveniencing him in his quest to do whatever he wishes without restraints or consequences. Oh I forgot, those chosen by God don’t have to pay for their actions. My mistake.

Website of the week:

Government Joke of the Week: My favorite quote from Ann Richards, who passed away from cancer this week (and rest in peace, Ann): “Poor George, he can’t help it…he was born with a silver foot in his mouth!” And believe it or not, she was talking about Bush Senior!

UU Joke of the Week: Three children were talking about their religions. "I'm a Catholic," said one, "and our symbol is the cross." "I'm Jewish," said the second, "and our symbol is the Star of David." The third child said, "I'm a Unitarian Universalist and our symbol is a candle in a cocktail glass!"


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