Friday, September 01, 2006

9-1-06 Social Justice News

Global Meltdown: If you read nothing else this week, please read this story. More and more scientists are being amazed at how fast climate change is really proceeding –and it turns out we may be very near a very dangerous tipping point. Steps must be made NOW to stop this –and since governments won’t do anything, its up to us.,,1860560,00.html

The Worst Environmental Disaster Ever: Caused by stupidity –and greed. Eager to find oil and make a quick buck an Indonesian oil exploration company drilled into a geologically unstable area –and instead of finding oil, punched a hole into a 9,000 foot deep reservoir of 5 million year old liquid sediment –and the resulting ‘mud volcano’ could spew toxic mud over the landscape for several hundred years.,,1857057,00.html

California to Cap Emissions!: In the first legislation of its kind, and a major victory for the Earth, California is set to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years –and none too seen, either. They even think it will help the economy. Are you listening Mr. Bush?

Church-State Separation a Lie!: Apparently, God intended this nation to be a religious theocracy after all. Or so says Rep. Kathleen Harris. Hmm, I wonder which God would work best? I vote for Athena, Goddess of Love. Let’s bring back the days of the Hippies! Free love, peace, and tie dye, mandated by the state.

Eating Local, Thinking Global: Do you know where your dinner last night came from? Well, it turns out it might have traveled across the country or the world.

Reckless Recruiting: How a ‘hidden draft’ is affecting our nation’s public schools.

Oil Safari Author Arrested for ‘Espionage’: And reporting false news. Or so says the Sudan government, who arrested him in Darfur while he was working freelance for National Geographic.

Full Throttle: The Greenland Ice Cap is now melting at three times the rate previously thought.

Hot Futures: Some in Sacramento are increasingly considering the possibility that all too soon, their city may actually be unlivable.

Sick of It: U.S. Soldiers are increasingly getting sick. Many think its because of the depleted uranium used in so many of the armaments of war these days, from casings to tank armor. The Pentagon claims its safe enough to ‘eat for breakfast’. Hmm, care to test out that claim, General So and So? How would you like your DU? Mixed in with your scrambled eggs, or shaken into your cereal? Hmm, good.,71585-0.html?tw=wn_politics_6

Website of the week: I am neither endorsing nor condemning the views on this site, but I am posting it because of the amazing (and as far I’ve been able to determine it, accurate) population clock on the home page. Talk about mind boggling!

UU Joke of the Week: What's the difference between Catholics praying and Unitarians praying?
Catholics cross their upper bodies, Unitarians cross their fingers.


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Bush's Gift Horse has Hoof in Mouth, again!

Hello Ras and all,

This gets to the root of the problem of deluded and greedy politicians who seek to impose their own ignorance on millions of others. Because of our reliance on money, politics, and religion, we are teetering on the verge of worldwide disaster. Idiots like Ms. Harris couldn't care less about everyone else as long as they get their hands on wealth and power, even if it means pretending to serve the Creator. It is long past time that people stand up for truth and justice and give these scoundrels their due.

Read more here...


9/01/2006 3:27 PM  

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